Thanks that appears to be exactly what my issue was with my adminInstall 
output.  I used orca to reconfigure the feature level settings in my v1.0 msi 
so I could generate a useable adminInstall of it and configured my in progress 
v1.1 sources to instead use the following feature install condition logic so 
its build output will directly support generation of a useable adminInstall.
    <Feature Id="Databases" Title="!(loc.Databases)" Level="1">
        <Condition Level="0">DATABASES=0</Condition>
versus what I had
    <Feature Id="Databases" Title="!(loc.Databases)" Level="0">
        <Condition Level="1">DATABASES=1</Condition>

At this point using new wix3 way for patch generation is spitting out the 
following torch.exe processing command error.   If I switch to the old msimsp 
way for patch generation it doesn't seem to have that same issue.  I even tried 
rebuilding my v1.0 msi output using the same wix framework release as I'm using 
for my v1.1 work and it didn't make the torch.exe RadioButton error go away.

Error   2       The table definition of 'RadioButton' in the target database 
does not match the table definition in the updated database. A transform 
requires that the target database schema match the updated database schema.     
Eventing\Main\Setup\Patch\obj\Debug\v1.0adminInstall\RP Event Notification 
Service.msi     0       1       Patch

<!-- new wix3 way for patch generation -->
    <Patch AllowRemoval="yes" Description="!(loc.ProductName)" 
Manufacturer="!(loc.ProductName)" MoreInfoURL="!(loc.ProductUrl)" 
Classification="Update" DisplayName="!(loc.ProductName)">

        <Media Id="5000" Cabinet="">
            <PatchBaseline Id="Rtm" />

        <PatchFamilyRef Id="v11ReleasePatchFamily"/>

        <PatchFamily Id="v11ReleasePatchFamily" Version="" 
            <ComponentRef Id="Service1" />

Patch.wixproj | postBuild event
move /y "$(TargetDir)en-us\$(TargetName).msi" 
robocopy "\\rpbuildagent03\builds\RXP Eventing\v1.0adminInstallAlt" 
"$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.0adminInstallAlt" /mir /r:0
if not exist "$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall" md 
rem msiexec.exe /a "$(Setup.TargetDir)en-us\$(Setup.TargetFileName)" /qn 
TARGETDIR="$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall" /l* 
"$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall\RP Event Notification 
if "$(IsDesktopBuild)" == "" msiexec.exe /a 
"$(SolutionDir)Setup\Setup\bin\$(Configuration)\en-us\RP Event Notification 
Service.msi" /qn TARGETDIR="$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall" 
/l* "$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall\RP Event Notification 
if "$(IsDesktopBuild)" == "false" msiexec.exe /a "$(OutDir)en-us\RP Event 
Notification Service.msi" /qn 
TARGETDIR="$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall" /l* 
"$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall\RP Event Notification 
"$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\..\Windows Installer XML v3\bin\torch.exe" -p -ax 
"$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.0adminInstall\RP Event Notification 
Service.msi" "$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall\RP Event 
Notification Service.msi" -out 
"$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\..\Windows Installer XML v3\bin\pyro.exe 
"$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\$(TargetName).wixmsp" -out 
"$(TargetDir)en-us\$(TargetName).msp" -t Rtm 
cmd /c echo end processing patch post-build event command lines

Patch.wixproj | postBuild event
<!-- old msimsp way for patch generation -->
    <PatchCreation Id="C86050B6-37EC-4BE8-A9D0-A9C61DA42ED6"

            ShortNames="no" Languages="1033" Compressed="yes"
            Manufacturer="!(loc.ProductManufacturer)" />

        <PatchMetadata AllowRemoval="yes"
            DisplayName="!(loc.ProductName)" />

        <Family DiskId="5000" MediaSrcProp="v11Patch" Name="v11Patch" 
            <UpgradeImage Id="v11Upgrade"
SourceFile="$(var.ProjectDir)obj\$(var.Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall\RP Event 
Notification Service.msi">
                <TargetImage Id="v10Target" IgnoreMissingFiles="no" Order="2"
SourceFile="$(var.ProjectDir)obj\$(var.Configuration)\v1.0adminInstall\RP Event 
Notification Service.msi" />

        <PatchSequence PatchFamily="EventingV11PatchFamily" Sequence="" 
Supersede="yes" />

rem msiexec.exe /a "$(Setup.TargetDir)en-us\$(Setup.TargetFileName)" /qn 
TARGETDIR="$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall" /l* 
"$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall\RP Event Notification 
if "$(IsDesktopBuild)" == "" msiexec.exe /a 
"$(SolutionDir)Setup\Setup\bin\$(Configuration)\en-us\RP Event Notification 
Service.msi" /qn TARGETDIR="$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall" 
/l* "$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall\RP Event Notification 
if "$(IsDesktopBuild)" == "false" msiexec.exe /a "$(OutDir)en-us\RP Event 
Notification Service.msi" /qn 
TARGETDIR="$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall" /l* 
"$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\v1.1adminInstall\RP Event Notification 
if exist "$(TargetDir)en-us\$(TargetName).log" del 
pushd "$(TargetDir)en-us\" & "C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bin\MsiMsp.exe" -s 
"$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\$(TargetName).pcp" -p "$(TargetName).msp" -l 
"$(TargetName).log" & popd
cmd /c echo end processing patch post-build event command lines

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bob Arnson
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 9:40 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] using torch.exe -ax to enable use of admin install msi 
target and update input parameter values

Robert O'Brien wrote:
> Any insights on what could be in my pretty typical wix3 sources generated 
> msi's that would be preventing them from successfully creating the expected 
> admininstall output where the contained files are unpacked which is needed 
> for my torch patch installer related command to succeed?

If a feature's install level is 0, 'msiexec /a' won't install it.


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