e.g. is using wixproj | properties | settings | suppress specific ice 
validation = ICE38;ICE43;ICE57 considered acceptable?

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert O'Brien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 3:37 PM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: [WiX-users] Is there a strategy for getting rid of ice57 warning in a 
vdir component with these file, shortcut and webapplication settings you'd 
typically expect?

Using the following vdir component setup

<Component Id="Site1Vdir1" Guid="15280DB5-1879-4D3D-A559-566FCA21FB77">
    <!--<File Id="InstalledSite1Vdir1.txt" Name="InstalledSite1Vdir1.txt" 
Source="Resources\InstalledComponent.txt" KeyPath="yes" />-->
    <!-- if you introduce a shortcut then you need to use an HCKU key keypath 
to statisfy ice43 checks -->
    <RegistryKey Root="HKCU" 
        <RegistryValue Name="InstalledSite1Vdir1" Type="integer" Value="1" 
KeyPath="yes" />

    <File Id="Site1Vdir1Web.config" Name="Web.Config" 
Source="$(var.EventingWcfProvider.ProjectDir)Web.config" />
    <File Id="Site1Vdir1Service1.svc" Name="Service1.svc" 
Source="$(var.EventingWcfProvider.ProjectDir)Service1.svc" />

    <Shortcut Id="Site1Vdir1Shortcut1" Name="Eventing Wcf Provider"
          Description="Site1 Vdir1 Default Page" />
    <RemoveFolder Id="Site1Vdir1ShortcutsRemoveProductMenuFolder" 
On="uninstall" />

    <!--<iis:WebVirtualDir Id="Site1Vdir1" Alias="Site1Vdir1" 
WebSite="DefaultWebSite" Directory="Site1Vdir1Dir">-->
    <iis:WebVirtualDir Id="Site1Vdir1" Alias="Site1Vdir1" 
WebSite="Site1WebSite" Directory="Site1Vdir1Dir">
        <iis:WebApplication Id="Site1Vdir1App" Name="Site1Vdir1 Application" 
WebAppPool="Site1AppPool" Isolation="medium" />

I get the following build ice57 warning which in my case is treated as an error 
due to my wixproj "treat warnings as errors" setting.

  Error 22 ICE57: Component 'Site1Vdir1' has both per-user and per-machine data 
with an HKCU Registry KeyPath.

Is there a strategy for getting rid of ice57 warning in a vdir component with 
these file, shortcut and webapplication settings you'd typically expect?

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This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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