p.s.   looking at my verbose logs searching for "ExecuteSqlStrings" hits I only 
see "RollbackExecuteSqlStrings" hits containing both the sql login and db user 
settings I want applied during install ( and during component uninstall 
rollbacks) as well as the settings I want applied during uninstall ( and during 
component install rollbacks ).

q1 - is having the sql:String attribute pair ExecuteOnInstall="yes" 
RollbackOnUninstall="yes" correct to control having the specific setting 
applied during installs and also during component uninstall rollbacks?

q2 - is having the sql:String attribute pair ExecuteOnUninstall="yes" 
RollbackOnInstall="yes" correct to control having the specific setting applied 
during uninstalls and also during component install rollbacks?

From: Robert O'Brien
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 11:28 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: any insights as to why sql extension commands containing public 
property references are not working

Any insights as to why the following sql extensions commands that create a sql 
login and db user setting work

<Property Id="DATABASESHOST" Value="localhost">

<sql:SqlDatabase Id="MasterDatabase" Database="master" Server="[DATABASESHOST]" 

<sql:SqlDatabase Id="Database1" Database="MyDeliverableDatabase" 

<sql:SqlString Id="CreateLoginNetworkServiceDatabase1" SqlDb="MasterDatabase" 
SQL="create login [\[]NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE[\]] from windows" 
ContinueOnError="yes" ExecuteOnInstall="yes" />

<sql:SqlString Id="CreateUserNetworkServiceDatabase1" SqlDb="Database1" 
SQL="create user [\[]NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE[\]] for login [\[]NT 
AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE[\]]" ContinueOnError="yes" ExecuteOnInstall="yes" />

<sql:SqlString Id="AddRoleMembershipNetworkServiceDatabase1" SqlDb="Database1" 
SQL="sp_addrolemember 'NSRunService', 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'" 
ContinueOnError="yes" ExecuteOnInstall="yes" />

but the following similar sql extensions calls where I have the sql login and 
db user statements making use of a public property value + the statements 
configured to also execute on uninstall rollback, do not work?

<Property Id="DATABASESHOSTNAME" Value="localhost">


<sql:SqlDatabase Id="Master" Database="master" Server="[DATABASESHOSTNAME]" />

<sql:SqlDatabase Id="Database1" Database="MyDeliverableDatabase" 

<sql:SqlString Id="Database1CreateLoginLocalAccount" SqlDb="Master" 
Sequence="1" SQL="exec('create login [\[][DATABASESLOGINLOCALACCOUNT][\]] from 
windows')" ExecuteOnInstall="yes" RollbackOnUninstall="yes" 
ContinueOnError="yes" />

<sql:SqlString Id="Database1CreateUserLocalAccount" SqlDb="Database1" 
Sequence="2" SQL="exec('create user [\[][DATABASESLOGINLOCALACCOUNT][\]] for 
login [\[][DATABASESLOGINLOCALACCOUNT][\]]')" ExecuteOnInstall="yes" 
RollbackOnUninstall="yes" ContinueOnError="yes" />


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