Any pointers on the syntax i should one use to enable deployment of a gac dll 
required dll.config file, e.g. gac dll's that make use if setting designer/api 
runtime settings?

I tried the following two options and the first, currently commented out, 
doesn't work because it doesn't drop the file in the actual gac folder, the 
second doesn't work because it seems the gac placement processing deletes it 
when the Assembly=".net" dll file setting is processed.

    <Component Id="Sdk1Gac14" Guid="A6D64010-D181-40BF-9ABC-BA15633E1F45">
         <File Id="Sdk1GacDataEntities.Providers.dll" 
             Assembly=".net" KeyPath="yes" />
         <!--<File Id="Sdk1Gac MyGacDestinedAssembly.dll.config" 
             Assembly="no" />-->

<!-- note - using a SetSdk1Gac14DllCfg/RunSdk1Gac14DllCfg custom actions so we 
can sequence this to happen after InstallFiles does gac dll deployments.  This 
was happening
before then previously and as a result file was being deleted by gac dll 
deployment step -->
<DirectoryRef Id="GacMsilDir">
    <Directory Id="Sdk1Gac14Dir" Name="MyGacDestinedAssembly">
        <Directory Id="Sdk1Gac14VersionTokenDir" 
            <Component Id="Sdk1Gac14DllCfg" Guid="*">
                <File Id="MyGacDestinedAssembly.dll.config" 
Source="$(var.MyGacDestinedAssembly.TargetPath).config" KeyPath="yes" />

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