I think I'm getting close but I'm getting an error when unpacking.

Reading the source for MakeSfxCA I found the GetPackFileMap function and
reading the description:  "By default, all files will be placed in the root
of the cab. But inputs may optionally include an alternate inside-cab file
path before an equals sign."

So this implied to me that on the MakeSfxCA command line, rather than pass "
$(TargetDir)EULAs\ja-JP\Eula.rtf" I could pass "EULAs\en-US\Eula.rtf=

I beleive the log output of MakeSfxCA confirmed this:
Packaging files

However, when I run my installer I get the following error:

SFXCA: Extracting custom action to temporary directory: Temp\MSI28AD.tmp-\
MSI (c) (D0!6C) [23:20:00:013]: Closing MSIHANDLE (2) of type 790531 for
thread 3436
MSI (c) (D0!6C) [23:20:00:091]: Creating MSIHANDLE (3) of type 790531 for
thread 3436
*SFXCA: Failed to extract to temporary directory. Cabinet error code 11.*

Has anyone tried this before and gotten it to work?  Is there a better way
to do this?

Additionally I figured out how to pack everything in my CA project ouput
directory recursively.  I replaced the PackCustomAction taget in the
Wix.CA.targets file with the following.  I don't recommend changing this
file since it will get overwritten on the next Wix install, I simply did
this as a shortcut to see if I could get it to work.  This could be placed
in any project file or imported from a custom target though.

<Target Name="AfterBuild">

        <CreateProperty Value="$(TargetDir)$(TargetCAFileName)">
                <Output TaskParameter="Value"

        <CreateItem Include="$(TargetDir)**\*.*">
                <Output TaskParameter="Include"
ItemName="AllFilesInTargetDir"  />

        <CreateItem Include="@(AllFilesInTargetDir)"
                Condition=" '%(AllFilesInTargetDir.FullPath)' !=
'$(TargetPath)' and '%(AllFilesInTargetDir.FullPath)' !=
'$(TargetCAPackage)'" >
                <Output TaskParameter="Include"
ItemName="AllDependenciesInTargetDir"  />

                <Output TaskParameter="Value"
PropertyName="AllDependenciesInTargetDirList" />

        <!-- Run the MakeSfxCA.exe CA packaging tool. -->
        <Exec Command='"$(MakeSfxCA)" "$(TargetCAPackage)" "$(SfxCADll)"
"$(TargetPath)" "$(AllDependenciesInTargetDirList)"'
WorkingDirectory="$(TargetDir)" />


On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Shawn Dwyer <shawn.o.dw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to get MakeSfxCA include everything in my CA project ouput
> directory recursively, maintaining folder structure?  It seems to me this
> would be the simplest way of ensuring all necessary dependencies are there
> at runtime.
> For a simple example say I have my EULAs for each language in a
> subdirectory such as $(TargetDir)\EULAs\ja-JP\Eula.rtf.  I'd like this file
> and the folder structure to be there at runtime.
> Of course in the above example I could simply flatten the folder structure
> and add the language as part of the file name, but my particular scenario is
> more complicated.
> Another example would be to get the dependencies of dependencies.  For
> example Project A depends on Project B which depends on Project C.  The
> output of C is automatically copied to the output directory of B, and all of
> that to the ouput directory of A.  I'd like to someout get that all packaged
> up and available at runtime.
> Thanks,
> Shawn
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