My goal for getting patching to work is to be able to deploy an application 
that can be patched by a non-admin user, but I'm running into a problem.  I've 
created the patching sample in the documentation, and the patch works when it's 
elevated, but whether or not it's signed, the patch is still prompting for 
elevation.  I'm signing both the patch and the original MSI with this command 

signtool.exe sign /f signcert.pfx /p 288 /d "Patch Test application!" 
signtool.exe sign /f signcert.pfx /p 288 /d "Patch Test application!" patch.msp

I've also modified the product msi from the example so that it includes this 

        <DigitalCertificate SourceFile="signcert.cer" Id="signcert"/>

If I look at the properties of the files, both of them have a digital signature 
from the same certificate, and both are identified as valid.  When I run the 
patch as a non-administrator though, I get an elevation prompt asking to 
install from an unknown publisher-the original installer correctly identified 
my certificate.  Is there something else I'm missing?  I saw the article in 
MSDN here (, 
which pointed me to the MsiPatchCcertificate table and the PatchCertificates 
element.  I've tried adding the cert both as the pfx file and as a base-64 
encoded cer with the same effect.  Is there something else that I'm missing 
here?  Why is the patch still reporting itself as an unknown publisher?

Thanks for the help everyone,


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