Moderate time user, first time question asker.


I'm having issues where my protection condition around a component that
includes an inifile is not working correctly, yet when I include the value
of the tested variable it appears like it should be




<Property Id='OSINSTALLDIR' Secure='yes' Value='C:\Program Files\'/>


            <Property Id='CONFIGINIEXISTS'>

                  <DirectorySearch Id='ConfigDirectorySearch'
Path='[OSINSTALLDIR]Static\Path\' Depth='0'>

                        <FileSearch Id='CheckIniFile' Name='config.ini'/>




And later


                  <Component Id='ConfigIniComponent'
Guid='1fdcfd16-db4c-4de3-b06e-12f6d2f4c270' SharedDllRefCount='yes'>

                        <IniFile Id='WriteConnectionStringRobotics'
Action='addLine' Key='Connect0' Directory='ConfigLocation' Name='Config.ini'
Section='Robotic Connections' Value='Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security
= SSPI;Initial Catalog=[DATABASENAME];Data Source=[DATABASESERVER];'/>

                        <IniFile Id='WriteEnvironmentMain' Action='addLine'
Key='Environment' Directory=' ConfigLocation' Name='Config.ini'
Section='Main' Value='0'/>

                        <IniFile Id='WriteConnectionStringMain'
Action='addLine' Key='Connect0' Directory=' ConfigLocation'
Name='Config.ini' Section='Main' Value='Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated
Security = SSPI;Initial Catalog=[DATABASENAME];Data

                        <IniFile Id='CaereLicenseIni' Action='addLine'
Key='License File'  Directory=' ConfigLocation'
Value='[RedCap05]oscaere.lic' Name='Config.ini' Section='Caere License' />

                        <IniFile Id='tempwrite' Action='addLine'
Key='templine' Directory=' ConfigLocation' Value='[OSINSTALLDIR]Static\Path'
Name='Config.ini' Section='temp'/>

                        <IniFile Id='output' Action='addLine' Key='newline'
Directory=' ConfigLocation' Value='[CONFIGINIEXISTS]' Name='Config.ini'


                              <![CDATA[NOT CONFIGINIEXISTS]]></Condition>



I've tried with and without the CDATA wrapping CONFIGINIEXISTS and it isn't
wanting to work either way.  And the output line I'm writing to configini
(when I've already got the file there) is filled in with the path and file
name.  I've researched but this looks like it should work.  I figure I'm
doing something simple and dumb.


I've tried pre-setting OSINSTALLDIR inside the installer AND in my batch
file I'm calling the MSI from via the command line.


Any info I'm missing that will help just point out and I'll supply it.




~Patrick Sullivan

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