Thanks for the link, Neil.
However, I've seen the samples like this and I'm not sure it is a
flexible solution. You simply hardcode the script maps, but what if
newer versions of IIS add some more? Or if there were customizations on
a target machine I'm not aware about? 

Due to the fact that aspnet_regiis does the things, why is it a bad
practice to use it? And also, the main question is why it breaks ASP.NET
down being called as a custom action? 

Thank you.

-- Yan

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Sleightholm [] 
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 11:24 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] A call to aspnet_regiis -s fails for newly

Take a look here

I think this is the sort of thing you need rather than running


-----Original Message-----
From: Yan Sklyarenko [] 
Sent: 24 July 2009 16:43
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] A call to aspnet_regiis -s fails for newly created

Hello WiX Community,

I have been browsing for the way to register ASP.NET 2.0 script maps for
a site through this archive, and found an option to call the
aspnet_regiis -s in the following custom action:

<CustomAction Id="SetAspNet20" Directory="TARGETDIR"
-s W3SVC/[SITEID]/ROOT" Return="check" />

It is scheduled after InstallFinalize like this:

         <Custom Action="SetAspNet20" After="InstallFinalize">condition

However, if the site is also created in this very installation, the
action somehow crashes ASP.NET. After the installation the call to any
site gives "Page not found" and can be fixed only by aspnet_regiis -u
and then aspnet_regiis -i. If the site exists before the installation,
everything is fine.

This makes me think that there is a certain rule I violate or a bug in
IIS extension (e.g. transaction is not closed / changes are not saved,
when I set script maps).

Does any of you know what might be wrong here? You suggestion is highly
I'm attaching the sample project for more direct example.

Thank you!

-- Yan

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