In article 
    Tom Crozier <>  writes:

> Richard - Sorry I didn't see your post until now. The order they
> are declared in is the order they are assigned as can be seen in the
> ControlEvent table via Orca.

Well, *I* can't see them in Orca because I don't have your MSI.  Orca
shows them in *an* order, but the true order in which they are
executed is defined by the Order column.  If they all have the same
value for the Order column, then the order in which they are executed
is undefined.

> So I changed the order that I am performing the events in and if I
> run the CA in async mode it will not run until I cancel the dialog and
> cancel the install er. If I run the CA synchronously then the dialog is
> never displayed since the CA sets the property before the SpawnWaitDialog
> is made.

AFAIK, Windows Installer doesn't use threads for this stuff.  If you
want the action to be asynchronous, it has to be an EXE action.  It
will then spawn off in another process.
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