
There was no error message while creating the transform nor during
applying it to MSI file.

I do not want to create patch. Only thing I need is to create
language transformation that will change also ProductLanguage property.

Following command line will create language transformation but the
ProductLangauge property is not included in the MST file:
> torch.exe -t language Package_EN.msi Package_DE.msi -out 1031.mst

Following command will generate MST file with changed
ProductLanguage property:
> msitran.exe -g Package_EN.msi Package_DE.msi 1031.mst

Currently I am using the msitran.exe command in our build process. I
was only wondering whether the behavior is by design or it is some
kind of bug.



Rob Mensching wrote:
> Was this ever resolved? Are you really getting an error message talking
> about patching while using torch?

Stefan Pavlik | stefan.pav...@gmail.com
Lietavska 14 | 851 06 Bratislava | Slovak Republic

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