
Several people including myself have reported seeing this during the 
course of an installation. It appears to only happen once in a while so 
its very difficult to catch. In fact, I had it happen yesterday when I 
was trying to install either WiX or WixEdit (I don't remember which) 
onto a Win XP machine. I had to cancel the install and restart it and 
then everything was good.

As far as I know this one remains unresolved.

Chris wrote:
> In my installer, at various times I'm getting a message which says,
> "Please wait while the installer finishes determining your disk space
> requirements" and then never goes away.
> I've searched on this error and from what I've read, this happens when the
> MSI doesn't have any components to install.  Well, my MSI is installing
> components, so I don't know what's going on.
> This issue doesn't happen 100% of the time, but I've found that if I
> attempt go through the uninstall process (I've seen thin in both install
> and uninstall), go through a few of the screens, cancel out right before
> the installer starts to uninstall, and then repeat this process, the disk
> space message alternates in appearance (in other words, every other time I
> start the uninstall and then cancel, I get the 'determining disk space'
> message).
> I ran my installer with "myinstaller.msi /l* output.txt" and the steps
> that are logged are exactly the same, so this is a mystery to me.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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