that means that I didn't actually do smth wrong in the code, it's just 
that I can't really control that?

On 4/28/2010 12:50 PM, Blair wrote:
> Unfortunately with MSI's AppSearch action, you don't have any real control
> over the order of the attempted resolution of each of the various
> properties.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Viv coco []
> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:18 AM
> To: WiX
> Subject: [WiX-users] FileSearch on INSTALLLOCATION, whereas INSTALLLOCATION
> is either registry entry or nested Directory tag
> Hi,
> In the WiX tutorial is a sample that does:
>    - reads the path to the installation directory from the registry
>    - checks if in that directory a specific file exists
>    - if yes, installs the a specific feature (docu)
> What I would have wanted would have been:
>    - reads the path to the installation directory from the registry
>    - checks if in that directory a specific file exists OR checks if in the
> default path (created by the nested Directory tags) the file exists
>    - if yes, installs the docu feature
> I thought that by doing the FILEEXIST File search by using the INSTALLDIR
> would mean that the File search is done in the INSTALLDIR which is either
> the registry value if that one exists in the registry, OR the default
> directory paths specified by nested Directory tags if the registry value was
> not found. But it seems that when the FILEEXIST condition is evaluated the
> INSTALLDIR is set to whatever was found in the registry, which means if the
> registry entry was not found, at this point the INSTALLDIR will be empty and
> it won't be, as I expected, the nested Directory tags we specified.
> [code]
>      <!-- Check if in the registry we have already saved the path where the
> app should be installed -->
>      <Property Id="INSTALLLOCATION">
>        <RegistrySearch Id="MyPathsFromRegistry" Type="raw" Root="HKLM"
> Key="Software\MySetup" Name="InstallDir"/>
>      </Property>
>      <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>        <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
>          <Directory Id="MyFirstSetup" Name="MyFirstSetup">
>            <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" Name="MyFirstSetup1.0">
>              <Component Id="MyExe"
> Guid="9660051E-43CA-4459-AEF1-290BBE3DE544">
>                <File Id="MyMainExe" Name="MyApp.exe"
> Source="..\MyApp\Debug\MyApp.exe" DiskId="1" KeyPath="yes"/>
>              </Component>
>              <Component Id="MyDocumentation"
> Guid="5D64FD41-B8FF-4B77-8777-4CFD81855A0B">
>                <File Id="MyDocu" Name="readme.txt"
> Source="..\MyApp\Debug\readme.txt" DiskId="1" KeyPath="yes"/>
>              </Component>
>            </Directory>
>          </Directory>
>        </Directory>
>      </Directory>
>      <!-- check if in the installation directory (egal if it's the one
> gathered from registry or the default one) has a lookfor.txt file and if not
> don't install the documentationc -->
>      <!-- !!! ACTUALLY !!! for some reason, when the following Property is
> evaluated the INSTALLLOCATION is set to whatever was in the registry, and if
> no key was found in the registry this value is empty, so it was not yet set
> to whatever default directory path was specified with the nested Directory
> tags-->
>      <Property Id='FILEEXISTS'>
>        <DirectorySearch Id='DirSearch' Path='[INSTALLLOCATION]' Depth='0'>
>          <FileSearch Id='FileSearch' Name='lookfor.txt'/>
>        </DirectorySearch>
>      </Property>
>      <Feature Id="CompleteExe" Level="1">
>        <ComponentRef Id="MyExe" />
>      </Feature>
>      <!-- install this feature only if you find the lookfor.txt file (Level 0
> means the feature won't be installed) -->
>      <Feature Id="CompleteDoc" Level="1">
>        <ComponentRef Id="MyDocumentation" />
>        <Condition Level="0">  NOT FILEEXISTS</Condition>
>      </Feature>
> [/code]
> How can I do so that the FileSearch is done in INSTALLLOCATION whereas the
> INSTALLLOCATION is either the registry entry if found or the nested
> directory tag if registry entry was not found?
> TIA,
> Viv
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