On 29 Nov 2010, at 15:54, Pally Sandher wrote:

> v8.0.50727.762 of the VC++ 8.0 libraries is ancient (VS2005 SP1). Are
> your binaries definitely built against that version of the VC++
> libraries as the ATL security fix (which is in essence a stealth SP2 for
> VS2005) released in July last year updates them to v8.0.50727.4053.

Yes, I know they're relatively old. We try to keep our build machines stable.

> That'd be the first thing I'd check. Are the binaries built on the same
> machine as your installer? Does running the vcredist_x86 from the
> machine you build your MSI's on the system fix the app?

Hm, that may be the problem.

The merge modules are checked out of our source repos, and appear to be 
consistent with what our release engineering machines are using.

However the machine I built these test pkgs on seems to be using 8.0.50727.4053 
of the runtime library, and our logging suggests we're trying to install 

Interesting! I'll try repackaging using the MSM from the machine I used to do 
the build instead, and see what happens.



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