
All you need to know about ICE and more....


On 01/25/2011 04:11 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> I think I figured it out. I was confused since this link was about adding a 
> shortcut I thought that the registry value had something to do with adding a 
> remove shortcut. Which after some experimentation I found that the registry 
> key has nothing to do with. What are the ICE test that you refer to? Looking 
> at this page
> I see no reference to ICE tests.
> Kevin Burton
> Senior Software Engineer
> 262-901-2000 Office
> 262-901-2312 Fax
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy Farrell []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:33 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall shortcut?
> In what sense is it not right? It's a registry key private to your installer 
> which the example creates to meet the requirements of the ICE tests, as 
> explained in the documentation. If you consider the path or name "not right" 
> use different ones, as others have already suggested. I wouldn't go anywhere 
> near Windows Installer's private entries such as the ones you quoted though.
>> From: Kevin Burton []
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 7:13 PM
>> I haven't tried the example but based on other installed applications
>> it seems that the registry settings that the example is using are not
>> right. I didn't want to run an example that didn't meet the sniff test
>> especially when modifying the registry. The sniff test for me was
>> looking at other installed applications and seeing what registry
>> settings they establish. So unless WiX has some special registry
>> settings it seems that these registry settings are incorrect.
>> Kevin Burton
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> 262-901-2000 Office
>> 262-901-2312 Fax
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jeremy Farrell []
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:16 PM
>> Are you saying that the example doesn't work? In what way does it
>> fail?
>>> From: Kevin Burton []
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:14 PM
>>> The link to install an uninstall link seems to be outdated:
>>> rtcut.htm
>>> Specifically  the registry entry does not exist. I am thinking it
>>> should be something like HKCU/Micosoft/Installer/Products. Also the
>>> application name doesn't seem to come into play. In the
>> registry there
>>> is what looks like a GUID that is the key name. I am not sure where
>>> this value is derived.
>>> Here is the exported key for an installed product:
>>> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
>>> [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products]
>>> [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products\77A86
>>> 7D85B17F234682FCB1D7916A797]
>>> "ProductName"="Bsi WebServices"
>>> "PackageCode"="34C74D484BB32C140A1D3766499CFCD3"
>>> "Language"=dword:00000409
>>> "Version"=dword:02000000
>>> "Assignment"=dword:00000000
>>> "AdvertiseFlags"=dword:00000184
>>> "InstanceType"=dword:00000000
>>> "AuthorizedLUAApp"=dword:00000000
>>> "Clients"=hex(7):3a,00,00,00,00,00
>>> [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products\77A86
>>> 7D85B17F234682FCB1D7916A797\SourceList]
>>> "PackageName"="DebugBsiServices.msi"
>>> "LastUsedSource"=hex(2):6e,00,3b,00,31,00,3b,00,43,00,3a,00,5c
>>> ,00,54,00,65,00,\
>>>    6d,00,70,00,5c,00,00,00
>>> [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products\77A86
>>> 7D85B17F234682FCB1D7916A797\SourceList\Media]
>>> "1"=";"
>>> [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products\77A86
>>> 7D85B17F234682FCB1D7916A797\SourceList\Net]
>>> "1"=hex(2):43,00,3a,00,5c,00,54,00,65,00,6d,00,70,00,5c,00,00,00
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