Maybe some words to good sources. Unfortunately for the english
speaking community they are all written in German. Andreas Kerl wrote
several good books about Windows Installer. See (German!) for an overview.
There also the english speaking books for Windows Installer are

For "Inside Windows Installer 4.5" he discusses in one chapter WiX and
in another DTF. Additionally he wrote several articles for the German
DotNetPro. But as already mentioned they are only available in German.

2011/3/15 Pally Sandher <>:
> Here is the best place for WiX help. The actual WiX dev's such as Rob M,
> Bob A et al reply on a regular basis if other "learned" members haven't
> responded to a query. We also have people like Phil Wilson whom I
> believe (although he's never confirmed) wrote "The definitive guide to
> Windows Installer" which is a pretty damn good book in my opinion.
> In your Feature B component which registers the filetype(s) you can
> simply use [#executable] for the TargetProperty field which will expand
> to the full path of your executable when installed. That is assuming
> what you're referring to as features A, B & C are Features in the
> Windows Installer sense all within the same MSI Package (the
> stackoverflow thread refers to plug-in installers).
> Palbinder Sandher
> Software Deployment Engineer
> T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500
> F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501
> **Design, Simulate + Innovate with the <Virtual Environment>**
> Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited. Registered in Scotland No.
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> Email Disclaimer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: The Eligible Bachelors []
> Sent: 14 March 2011 20:10
> To:
> Subject: [WiX-users] Multifeature filetype association
> First of all what is the best resource for getting help with advanced
> WiX topics? A book or mailing list will do. I have been mostly using
> stackoverflow.
> And now for my question. I have an installer with features A, B
> (optional) and C (optional).
> Feature A is an executable and B and C are DLLs that add support to the
> executable for additional filetypes.
> If I install B, I would like to associate the appropriate filetype to
> the exec installed in A.
> Right now I am working off the solution here:
> -reference-primary-installation
> But there are several complications. When you search through a component
> for a file, does it indicate if it is installed? And if it does, does it
> have to be installed in a previous run of the installer?
> Or should I have it search the filesystem to see if the exec is
> installed. And then does order of installation matter?
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