
Assume this is a limitation of textbox element in Windows Installer
(comp. e.g. 

The only point to ensure a better usability here from my point of view
would be to make the edit wider
<Control Id="DatabaseConnectionParamsInput" Type="Edit" X="9" Y="82"
Width="351" Height="15" Property="DBCONNECTION_STRING" TabSkip="no"
                                <Text>{32767}sadfsaddfsdfasfsadfsfs asdf asdf 
asd fasd f
sdf sdf sadf sda fas fsd fsd fg sadfasdf sadfsd</Text>

or make the whole Windows Installer dialog containing this input form
wider. Additionally you could e.g. create a C# DTF Custom Action to
retrieve such a property in a wider dialog.


2011/3/15 Robert Buck <buck.rober...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I'd like to have a text control in a installer dialog that allows
> input of a database connection string. The database connection string
> can be rather long, so rather than have its text flow off into the
> nether world, I'd like to make the text box taller and have the text
> automatically wrap so the entire string is visible WITHOUT having to
> scroll horizontally (which is a big usability issue for me).
>        <Control Id="DatabaseConnectionParamsInput" Type="Edit"
> X="150" Y="85" Width="180" Height="75" Property="DBCONNECTION_STRING"
> TabSkip="no" Multiline="yes">
>          <Text>{32767}sadfsaddfsdfasfsadfsfs asdf asdf asd fasd f sdf
> sdf sadf sda fas fsd fsd fg sadfasdf sadfsd</Text>
>        </Control>
> Problem is, no matter what I seem to try the text keeps flowing
> horizonally off the box rather than wrapping.
> Is there a way to make a text entry box that wraps as a single line of text?
> Thanks in advance,
> Bob
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