I'm pretty sure i followed instructions online fairly closely but when i try
to use a wcf service that requires a certificate for authentication, it
gives me a keyset does not exist exception.  However, if i manually install
the certificate cert.pfx in the mmc it works fine.

my wxs header looks like this
Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"; xmlns:iis="
The binary is defined by:
<Binary Id ="CertificateBinaryStream"
and finally the cert is added in a component like so:
 <iis:Certificate Id="myCertificate" BinaryKey="CertificateBinaryStream"
PFXPassword="unguessablepassword" Name="myClient"
StoreLocation="localMachine" StoreName="my" />

When i install everything goes fine... the certificate is in the proper
location and everything looks fine...
however when i try to run the application it gives me the keyset does not
exist exception

when i manually install the certificateLocation\to\pfx\mycert.pfx in mmc and
correctly type the password, the application works fine.

The only difference i can see is that wix adds (and i've tested removal) of
two permission groups of owner rights (which has none) and msi server has
read and write permissions.  Also in my manual cert installation, there is a
permission group titled: S-1-5-5-0-XXXXXX which i gather is a random group
guid that is generated by the machine that i cannot manually add to the
certificate installed by wix.

Any ideas on how to get this to working properly?
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