The actual case-sensitive property name is SourceDir: 

SOURCEDIR is likely to be something internal that you should not be using. 

Phil Wilson 

-----Original Message-----
From: Parkes, Kevin [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 4:44 AM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Directory and Registry Search failing in silent mode

Seems I was mistaken about RegistrySearch and it is working correctly (sorry 
for wasting anyone's time on that).

DirectorySearch is, however, still failing on silent install. It seems to be 
because the search is relative to [SOURCEDIR] but, in silent mode, [SOURCEDIR] 
is not being set until after AppSearch - actually between 
RemoveExistingProducts and ProcessComponents. (When run with UI, [SOURCEDIR] is 
set before Action Start INSTALL.)

Apparently AppSearch must be scheduled before CostInitialize so I can't move it 
to, eg, before ProcessComponents.

Why is setting [SOURCEDIR] delayed in silent install, and can I force it to be 
set sooner? Alternatively is there another way to test for folder 
[SOURCEDIR]\ABC later than AppSearch? (I simply want to copy the folder and its 
contents, if they exist, to the target directory.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Parkes, Kevin 
Sent: 29 November 2011 17:23
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Directory and Registry Search failing in silent mode

Orca ICE validation flags up a few warnings (mostly about registry) but nothing 
that looks relevant.

  FindRelatedProducts (25)
  AppSearch (50)
  LaunchConditions (100)

  FatalError (-3)
  UserExit (-2)
  ExitDialog (-1)
  FindRelatedProducts (25)
  PrepareDlg (49)
  AppSearch (50)
  LaunchConditions (100)

-----Original Message-----
Re: [WiX-users] Directory and Registry Search failing in silent mode
From: Peter Shirtcliffe <pshirtcliffe@sd...> - 2011-11-29 16:40

Seems OK then. Have you tried ICE validation ? Have you compared the UI and 
Execute sequences in Orca/InstEd ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Parkes, Kevin [mailto:Kevin.Parkes@...]
Sent: 29 November 2011 15:33
To: wix-users@...
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Directory and Registry Search failing in silent mode

I don't think it should be anything to do with user's profile: the Directory 
search is looking for a sub-folder in the folder containing the MSI
([SOURCEDIR]) and the Registry search is looking in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
InstallScope is perMachine
The problem does occur with MSI 5

-----Original Message-----
Re: [WiX-users] Directory and Registry Search failing in silent mode
From: Peter Shirtcliffe <pshirtcliffe@......> - 2011-11-29 14:52 Dave says...

Could it be because the things you're looking for only appear in the user's 
profile  - hkey_users and c:\users ?
When you switch from UI sequence to execute sequence, the intallation engine 
switches to the service side and the current user becomes local system and 
user-specific searches wouldn't work.

If you're running a per-user installation, the searches should be redirected 
but are you ? Whats the value of ALLUSERS ? Is Package/InstallScope set to 
perUser ? Are you using MSI 5 or something earlier ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Parkes, Kevin [mailto:Kevin.Parkes@...]
Sent: 29 November 2011 14:20
To: wix-users@...
Subject: [WiX-users] Directory and Registry Search failing in silent mode

I have properties set by a <DirectorySearch> and a <RegistrySearch> both of 
which work as expected with UI but neither of which is set when run in silent

<Property Id="ABCFOLDER">
  <DirectorySearch Id="ABCSearch" Path="[SOURCEDIR]ABC" Depth="1" /> </Property>

<Property Id="DOTXYZ">
  <RegistrySearch Id="DotXYZSearch" Root="HKCR" Key=".xyz" Type="raw" /> 

Log file with UI:

  Action start 11:29:54: AppSearch.
  AppSearch: Property: DOTXYZ, Signature: DotXYZSearch
  MSI (c) (D0:A4) [11:29:54:650]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
  MSI (c) (D0:A4) [11:29:54:730]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.xyz 3:
  AppSearch: Property: IPIFOLDER, Signature: ABCSearch
  MSI (c) (D0:A4) [11:29:54:740]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
  MSI (c) (D0:A4) [11:29:54:760]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ABCFOLDER property.
Its value is 'C:\Users\kparkes\Documents\ABC\'.
  Action ended 11:29:54: AppSearch. Return value 1.

Log file in silent mode:

 Action start 12:28:43: AppSearch.
  MSI (s) (44:9C) [12:28:43:152]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
  MSI (s) (44:9C) [12:28:43:152]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.xyz 3:
  MSI (s) (44:9C) [12:28:43:152]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
  MSI (s) (44:9C) [12:28:43:162]: Doing action: LaunchConditions
  Action ended 12:28:43: AppSearch. Return value 1.

What am I doing wrong?


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