On 14-Dec-11 02:52, Toru Takeguchi wrote:
> pyro -delta .\v1.3.0\patch.wixmsp -out .\v1.3.0\Product.msp -t RTM
> .\v1.3.0\Diff-v1.2.0.wixmst -t RTM .\v1.3.0\Diff-v1.1.0.wixmst
> pyro.exe : error PYRO0001 : The specified arguments are not within the range
> of valid values
> parameta managed
> Exception Type: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException

Please file a bug and attach your .wixmsts so the right people can 
reproduce the problem. It might indicate a failure in the delta patching 
code in Windows but at least WiX should give a good error message and 
not throw an exception.


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