I'm trying to create a bootstrapper that checks for and installs the .net 
framework 4.0 client profile. (I don't want to ship the 42MB .net installer, 
prefer dl&install)I also want to log the warnings and errors of the msi on all 
installs, so I can provide them in error reports.  So, how do I provide args to 
the msiexec?Lastly, I would prefer to have a self contained package instead of 
an msi and an exe. I am going by this approach atm, but I don't think this can 
address all of my concerns 
above:http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix3/install_dotnet.htm I came across 
this response by Rob to the question of embedding the msi in the bootstrapper, 
are these still concerns? Oct 05, 2006:"You have to extract it.  The Windows 
Installer engine doesn't know how to read MSI files out of resource streams.  
Besides, you're going to want to put the MSI in a place where future repair 
operations can find it.  
Otherwise the user will get prompted to find an MSI that is hidden inside your 
boostrapper (which may or may not be around anymore).  
You can see the setup.exe with WiX v3 
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