Yeah, it's a DLL. There don't seem to be any config files associated, just
the TLB file. Anything else to look for?

> Is there a config file associated with the assembly (maybe because it's a
> policy assembly)?
> Is it actually a Dll?
> Phil W
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sam Youtsey [mailto:sam.youtsey@...]
> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 10:35 AM
> To: wix-users@...
> Subject: [WiX-users] Install Failed, Log Attached
> Hi all,
> My installer doesn't seem to be installing anything properly. Any chance I
> could get some help with it?
> Here's the .wxs file:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Wix xmlns="";>
> <Product Id="MyGuid"
> Name="MyProg"
> Language="1033"
> Version="$(var.ProductVersion)"
> Manufacturer="MyCompany"
> UpgradeCode="MyGuid2">
> <Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine"
> />
> <MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of [ProductName] is
> already installed." /> <MediaTemplate EmbedCab="yes"/>
> <Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="MyProg" Level="1"> <ComponentGroupRef
> Id="ProductComponents" /> </Feature> </Product>
> <Fragment>
> <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir"> <Directory
> Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="Program Files"> <Directory Id="COMPANYFOLDER"
> Name="MyCompany"> <Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="MyProg" />
> </Directory> </Directory> </Directory> </Fragment>
> <Fragment>
> <ComponentGroup Id="ProductComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
> <!-- TODO: Remove the comments around this Component element and the
> ComponentRef below in order to add resources to this installer. -->
> <Component Id="ProductComponent" Guid="MyGuid3"> <File Id="MyProgDLL"
> Source="..\MyProg\bin\Debug\MyProg.dll" KeyPath="yes"
> Assembly=".net"></File>
> <File Id="MyProgTLB"
> Source="..\MyProg\bin\Debug\MyProg.tlb"></File>
> <File Id="F_JavascriptNET" KeyPath="no"
> Source="..\$(var.JavascriptNET)\Noesis.Javascript.dll" /> <File
> Id="MyProg_Demo" Source="..\MyProg_Demo.xlsm"></File>
> </Component>
> </ComponentGroup>
> </Fragment>
> </Wix>
> And here's around the error that I'm seeing in the log:
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:32:829]: Executing op:
> UpgradeCodePublish(UpgradeCode={MyGuid3})
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:32:829]: Executing op:
> SourceListPublish(,,,,NumberOfDisks=1)
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:32:839]: Note: 1: 1402 2:
> UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\xxx\SourceList 3: 2 MSI (s) (CC:68)
> [10:04:32:859]: Executing op: ProductPublishClient(,,) MSI (s) (CC:68)
> [10:04:32:879]: Executing op:
> SourceListRegisterLastUsed(SourceProduct={MyGuid3},LastUsedSource=C:\Users\Clean\Downloads\)
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:32:919]: Entering
> CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSource.
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:32:939]: Setting cached product context: machine
> assigned for product: xxx MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:32:949]: Specifed source
> is already in a list.
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:32:979]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:32:989]: Adding new sources is allowed.
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:33:009]: Set LastUsedSource to:
> C:\Users\Clean\Downloads\.
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:33:029]: Set LastUsedType to: n.
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:33:039]: Set LastUsedIndex to: 1.
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:33:059]: Executing op:
> End(Checksum=0,ProgressTotalHDWord=0,ProgressTotalLDWord=4286641)
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:33:089]: Note: 1: 1935 2: {MyGuid3} 3: 0x80131043 4:
> IAssemblyCacheItem 5: Commit
> 6:
> MyProg,version="",culture="neutral",publicKeyToken="1BC84BAF13B2B399",processorArchitecture="MSIL"
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:33:280]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Error MSI (s) (CC:68)
> [10:04:33:350]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Error 4: SELECT `Message` FROM `Error`
> WHERE `Error` = 1935 MSI (c) (20:B0) [10:04:34:051]: Font created. Charset:
> Req=0, Ret=0, Font:
> Req=MS Shell Dlg, Ret=MS Shell Dlg
> Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly
> 'MyProg,version="",culture="neutral",publicKeyToken="1BC84BAF13B2B399",processorArchitecture="MSIL"'.
> Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0x80131043.
> assembly interface: IAssemblyCacheItem, function: Commit, component:
> {MyGuid3}
> MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:35:623]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Error MSI (s) (CC:68)
> [10:04:35:633]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Error 4: SELECT `Message` FROM `Error`
> WHERE `Error` = 1709 MSI (s) (CC:68) [10:04:35:643]: Product: MyProg --
> Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly
> 'MyProg,version="",culture="neutral",publicKeyToken="1BC84BAF13B2B399",processorArchitecture="MSIL"'.
> Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0x80131043.
> assembly interface: IAssemblyCacheItem, function: Commit, component:
> {MyGuid3}
> Action ended 10:04:35: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
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