I have authored an installer using Wix 3.6 RC. I have a checkbox in the
dialog UI which is disabled and unchecked initially. There is a "Verify"
button next to it. When I press this button a custom action gets executed
(immediate) and sets a value of parameter which decides whether check box
gets enabled or not. Here is the code:
<Control Id="VirtualCheckBox"
                 X="35" Y="100"
                 Width="160" Height="20"
  <Condition Action="enable"><![CDATA[INTEGRATED = "1"]]></Condition>
  <Condition Action="disable"><![CDATA[INTEGRATED = "0"]]></Condition>

I am storing this value of checkbox in registry:

<Component Id="Virtualization_RegistryEntries" Guid="GUID-IS-HERE">
    <Condition>Not Installed</Condition>
    <RegistryKey Root="HKCU"
      <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="Virtualization"
Value="[ENABLEVIRTUALIZATION]" KeyPath="yes"/>

Now I have to do this:
1) If user does not click the Verify button : Registry gets value 0
2) If he clicks button (CA gets false and checkbox remains disabled) :
Registry gets value 0
3) If he clicks button and checkbox enables but he does not check the
checkbox : Registry gets value 0
4) If he clicks button and checkbox enables and he does check the check box
: Registry gets value 1

Mine is not working at only one condition, when he checks this, registry
does get 1 but either it is disabled or remains unchecked the registry gets

Now when I use: <Property Id="ENABLEVIRTUALIZATION" Value="0" />
the check box is checked but remain disabled in UI and registry entry shows
as 0 (great). But now I have a valid Verify button action and checkbox
enables (but still checked). and I go ahead with installation, I saw
registry value still be 0 (oh man!!!) rather it should be 1.

Is there a better way to do this or alternate solution?

Thanks and Regards,
Ravi Raj
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
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