What is best practice for installing .NET 4 with an application, and how
does burn support it?


Since.NET 4.5 replaces .NET 4.0, rather than installs separately, the
installation choices differ from in previous versions. For an application
that can use either .NET 4.0 or 4.5, what is the best practice to install?
Here are the options and tradeoffs I am aware of:


Option 1: Install .NET 4.0 (just what you need)

Pros: None known


Option 2: Install .NET 4.5 if .NET 4.5 is not present

Pros: User won't have to install .NET 4.5 later for future apps. App won't
experience a .NET version change when user later does upgrade to .NET 4.5.
App immediately gets performance improvements of .NET 4.5.


Option 3: Install .NET 4.5 only if neither .NET 4.x is present

Pros: Much faster deployment than option 2 if .NET 4.0 is already installed.
If it's not, then the advantages of option 2 apply.


As far as I can tell, the best practice would be option 2 if the performance
improvements are import and option 3 if average deployment speed is
important. Does this sound right? Am I missing any advantage to option 1?


As far as burn goes, option 2 is straightforward to implement. But can you
and how do you do option 3 in burn?


(This question is an expanded version of one I had posted several days ago,
but hadn't heard a response to. I'm hoping someone can help with this.)




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