Hi All


I'm trying to customize the sequence of the UI by removing the license


I tried to follow the instructions here:
http://neilsleightholm.blogspot.com/2008/08/customised-uis-for-wix.html but
keep on getting compile errors that there are duplicate ids. 


I based my custom .wxs file on WixUI_Minimal.wxs.


Here are some examples of the errors I am seeing:


Error      1366       Location of symbol related to previous error.
56           1              

Error      1367       Duplicate symbol 'Property:WixUI_Mode' found. This
typically means that an Id is duplicated. Check to make sure all your
identifiers of a given type (File, Component, Feature) are unique.
C:\Projects\..\WixUI_Product.wxs                33           1              


I have no idea why there is a clash of ids with the file I used as a
template i.e. WixUI_Minimal.wxs?? 


I have definitely changed the Id of my UI element




        <UI Id="WixUI_Appname">.



Any help appreciated.






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