Well your WiX is very minimal. The example component at sourceforge is this:

    <Component Id="myapplication.exe" Guid="PUT-GUID-HERE">
        <File Id="myapplication.exe"
Source="MySourceFiles\MyApplication.exe" KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes"/>
    <Component Id="documentation.html" Guid="PUT-GUID-HERE">
        <File Id="documentation.html"
Source="MySourceFiles\documentation.html" KeyPath="yes"/>

Where there is both a guid and a keypath. I don't know what WiX does when
you don't specify a guid, I'd need to look in the MSI file, but it's
possible that those components have no guid at all, and that's supported -
it just means you don't want Windows to manage those files, and that also
means that the APIs won't return any info about them. Just follow the


-----Original Message-----
From: tyler.w.r...@accenture.com [mailto:tyler.w.r...@accenture.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 6:20 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller


        Thank you for the quick response I have pasted a more thorough
example of the components below. Basically what I think I need to do is make
sure every is in their own component with a keypath?

             <DirectoryRef Id="ExampleUserAdminApp_ThemesAvantGardecss">
                    <Component Id="css01_reset.css.component">
eset.css" />
                    <Component Id="css02_extallnotheme.css.component">
xt-all-notheme.css" />
                    <Component Id="css03_dctExtJsExtensions.css.component">
ctExtJsExtensions.css" />
                    <Component Id="css04_dctExtJsOverrides.css.component">
ctExtJsOverrides.css" />


<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
      <Directory Id="$(var.PlatformProgramFilesFolder)">
        <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION"
Name="!(loc.ProductManufacturerFolderName)" >
          <Directory Id="Documentation" Name="Documentation" />
          <Directory Id="ExampleUserAdmin" Name="ExampleUserAdmin">
            <Directory Id="ExampleUserAdminApp_Data" Name="App_Data" />
            <Directory Id="ExampleUserAdminApp_Themes" Name="App_Themes">
              <Directory Id="ExampleUserAdminApp_ThemesAvantGarde"
                <Directory Id="ExampleUserAdminApp_ThemesAvantGardecss"
Name="css" />
                <Directory Id="ExampleUserAdminApp_ThemesAvantGardeimages"

Id="ExampleUserAdminApp_ThemesAvantGardeimagesbuttons" Name="buttons" />

<ComponentGroup Id="ExampleUserAdmin_App_Themes_Files">
      <ComponentRef Id="AvantGarde.skin.component" />

      <!-- AvantGarde\css folder-->
      <ComponentRef Id="css01_reset.css.component" />
      <ComponentRef Id="css02_extallnotheme.css.component" />
      <ComponentRef Id="css03_dctExtJsExtensions.css.component" />
      <ComponentRef Id="css04_dctExtJsOverrides.css.component" />
      <ComponentRef Id="css05_extxthemegray.css.component" />
      <ComponentRef Id="css06_dctExtxthemegray.css.component" />
      <ComponentRef Id="css07_style.css.component" />
      <ComponentRef Id="css08_forms.css.component" />
      <ComponentRef Id="css09_leftNav.css.component" />
      <ComponentRef Id="css10_buttons.css.component" />
      <ComponentRef Id="css11_nav.css.component" />

      <ComponentRef Id="css12_theme.css.component" />

<Feature Id="MainFeature" Title="!(loc.MainFeature_Title)"
Description="!(loc.MainFeature_Desc)" Level="1">
                    <ComponentGroupRef Id="Documentation_Files" />
                    <ComponentGroupRef Id="ExampleUserAdmin_Files"/>
                    <ComponentGroupRef Id="ExampleUserAdmin_App_Data_Files"
Id="ExampleUserAdmin_App_Themes_Files" />
                    <ComponentGroupRef Id="ExampleUserAdmin_Bin_Files" />
                    <ComponentGroupRef Id="ExampleUserAdmin_CSS_Files" />
                    <ComponentGroupRef Id="ExampleUserAdmin_Images_Files" />
                    <ComponentGroupRef Id="ExampleUserAdmin_Scripts_Files"
                    <ComponentGroupRef Id="ExampleUserAdmin_XSLT_Files" />
                    <ComponentGroupRef Id="Util_Files" />
                    <ComponentGroupRef Id="ProductConfigFolder_Files" />
                    <ComponentGroupRef Id="TransformerComponents"/>
                    <ComponentGroupRef Id="ECU"/>
                    <ComponentRef Id="ShortcutFolders.component"/>
                    <ComponentRef Id="RegistryEntries.component"/>
                    <!--Dummy components-->


That is all the info for those specific components. If it is a problem with
our Wix I can get it fixed as we have amajor release coming up soon so
ideally we would like to fix it before that comes along. Again thank you for
the help.

Message: 4

Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 12:50:13 -0800

From: "Phil Wilson" <phil.wil...@mvps.org<mailto:phil.wil...@mvps.org>>

Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.

To: "'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'"




Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

For these APIs to work in the way you want each file must be in its own
component. You're enumerating components by component guid, and what you'll
get returned is the key path file in the component. If the component
contains a bunch of other files it can't tell you. The key file needs to be
there, obviously.

That's the big picture, and I can't tell from your WiX whether each of the
files you have is a key file, but I see no KeyPath spec there.


-----Original Message-----

From: tyler.w.r...@accenture.com<mailto:tyler.w.r...@accenture.com>

Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:18 PM

To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net>

Subject: [WiX-users] Using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.


        I am currently using the Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller to
check some components for an install that I have done. However I have
noticed that a lot of my components are coming up with the
InstallState.Absent state. They are mostly images, aspx, and css files, but
since they show up as absent I can't get the path on disk for them. Below is
my test code that I am using to and for the absent components I hit the
FileNotFoundException , but the installer did install them. Is there anyway
I can get the path to disk for these files or did I do something wrong in
the wix to make them show up as absent? Also none of these components have
the MultiInstance = yes and this install does support multi instance, but
the product code I am testing with is for instance 0.

public static IEnumerable<ComponentInstallation>

GetComponentsForProduct(string productCode)


                    return ComponentInstallation.AllComponents.Where(c =>
c.ClientProducts.Any(p => p.ProductCode.Equals(productCode)));


foreach (var componentInstallation in GetComponentsForProduct(productCode))




                                 Console.WriteLine("File: {0}, Version: {1}

State: {2}", componentInstallation.Path,




                           catch (FileNotFoundException e)


                                 Console.WriteLine("Component: {0},
State{1}", componentInstallation.ComponentCode,



                           catch (ArgumentException)


                                 Console.WriteLine("Component: {0}, State:

{1}", componentInstallation.ComponentCode, componentInstallation.State);



Below is a section of the Wix Code for one of the components that shows up
as absent.

<Component Id="css02_extallnotheme.css.component">



xt-all-notheme.css" />


                    <Component Id="css03_dctExtJsExtensions.css.component">



ctExtJsExtensions.css" />


                    <Component Id="css04_dctExtJsOverrides.css.component">



ctExtJsOverrides.css" />


                    <Component Id="css05_extxthemegray.css.component">



xt-xtheme-gray.css" />


Tyler Reid | Operations and Infrastructure | Accenture Software | P&C

1807 Jones Street | Bolivar, MO 65613| USA

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Tyler Reid | Operations and Infrastructure | Accenture Software | P&C
1807 Jones Street | Bolivar, MO 65613| USA
Office: +cc.xxx.xxx.xxxx | Fax: 417.777.3792
E-Mail: tyler.w.r...@accenture.com<mailto:tyler.w.r...@accenture.com> |

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