I have added the statement to run my application on exit if box is check but
it is throwing an error, see below.  Using VS2012 and XML Toolst 3.7.1224.0
and windows 7.  Application requires UAC to run if that matters, I have
tried running the installer from admin command prompt and not.

Code in WXS file: ******
    <Property Id="WixShellExecTarget"
Value="[#$(var.TopupManagerConsole.TargetFileName)]" />
    <CustomAction Id="LaunchApplication"
        Impersonate="yes" />

      <Publish Dialog="ExitDialog"
          Value="LaunchApplication">WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALCHECKBOX = 1 and
NOT Installed</Publish>
$(var.ProductName)" />

Log error message: *******
        Action 14:19:51: ExitDialog. Dialog created
        Action 14:19:53: LaunchApplication. 
        Action start 14:19:53: LaunchApplication.
        Action ended 14:19:54: LaunchApplication. Return value 3.
        DEBUG: Error 2896:  Executing action LaunchApplication failed.
        The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this
package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is
2896.   The arguments are: LaunchApplication, , 
        Action ended 14:19:54: ExitDialog. Return value 3.

Thanks in advance,
John J. Hughes II
Senior Software Engineer
Function Group | Function Technology Limited

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