The simplest method is to use a text edit control:

<Control Id="myEdit" Type="Edit" Property="IP_ADDRESS" Height="17" Width=
"100" X="50" Y="50" Indirect="yes" Text="[IP_ADDRESS]"/>

You can also use the MaskedEdit control, with PIDTemplate set to the format
for an IP address. This will allow you to have a formatted control that
will only accept IP addresses. See the doc for that type of control:
However, this can cause issues if you have a product key dialog in your
install. This also has the downside that the user wouldn't be able to enter
a URL or DNS alias, even where those would resolve to the same IP address.

Once you have the value in a property (I'm using the IP_ADDRESS property

Generally speaking, though, think about whether your install should be
handling this. If this is a UI application, a better user experience can
usually be achieved by the application asking for this information at
start-time, rather than the install trying to do it. You may also find that
you have to duplicate more stuff because your application still needs that
UI because the address might change.
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