
While I was looking at refactoring our wxs code, I noticed something odd.

I have a structure like this



(Note that I'm using an over-simplified example here, I'm not actually
limiting myself to 1 CA per file - that would be ludicrous. Instead, I'm
grouping related CAs together.  The point is that I've been defining
actions in a wxs, and the sequence in another wxs).

The Install.wixproj (which emits an MSI) references File.wixproj (which
emits a .wixlib) and includes the componentgroup it contains in a feature -
all good. However, the custom actions and sequence definition in
CustomActionxxx.wxs and InstallExecuteSequence.wxs do not get imported - I
just get the default InstallExecuteSequence and no CustomAction table to
speak of.

I know this is expected behaviour, as described in Bob's comment:


*For a fragment to be linked requires that something "higher" in the chain,
> starting with your Product/Merge/Patch, to refer to a
> **symbol in the fragment. If nothing does, the fragment is excluded at
> link time. The way most WiX CAs are authored, there's one  fragment that
> contains the custom action and its InstallExecuteSequence scheduling, so a
> CustomActionRef will cause both to be linked in. If that's what you're
> doing, please re-open the bug and attach a sample so we can help.*

*         *
Clearly I should be doing something like this instead:

So this raises a couple of other questions related to best practices. How
do we handle sequencing? This structure suggests that the two custom
actions don't know about each other, so how we specify which comes first.
If there's no dependencies between the two actions, should they both simply
declare that they need to come after an action that they do depend on, say
InstallFiles? What would the sequence be? Would the sequence be
inconsistent? Would it give me duplicate sequence numbers (and the ICE
warnings that go with them)?

And if one of them does require the other, how do we handle that? Can I
just reference the name in the sequencing? (I think I can - we have
sequencing and CA definitions spread across multiple files now, and it
works fine, so referencing CA1 from the sequence definition for CA2 would
probably work as well) Also, in this case the answer might be to simply
include them in the same file anyway.

Finally, since the sequence is spread out over multiple wxs files, how do
you get a view of the actual sequence? Is this just a case of opening orca
and seeing what's in the table?

Any advice would be appreciated!

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