
(sorry for the delay, I just found your reply via google, it didn't
seem to make it to my inbox though I got dozens of other mails from
this list.)

> I assume you employed the technique from the tutorial
> (http://wix.tramontana.co.hu/tutorial/localization/tfel-ot-thgir) since
> WixUI_RTL_InstallDir isn't in the toolset-supplied UI extension.

Yes. These are the commands that are executed:

candle.exe -v -dDebug -dLang=he -d"DevEnvDir=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual 
Studio 8\Common7\IDE\\" -dSolutionDir=xxx\wix_runtime\ -dSolutionExt=.sln 
-dSolutionFileName=wix_runtime.sln -dSolutionName=wix_runtime 
-dSolutionPath=xxx\wix_runtime.sln -dConfiguration=Release 
-dOutDir=..\..\_Intermediate\Release\ -dPlatform=x86 -dProjectDir=xxx 
-dProjectExt=.wixproj -dProjectFileName=name.wixproj -dProjectName=name 
-dProjectPath=xxx\name.wixproj -dTargetDir=xxx\Release\ -dTargetExt=.msi 
-dTargetFileName=name.msi -dTargetName=name-dTargetPath=xxx\name.msi -out 
obj\Release\iw-il\Product.wixobj -arch x86 -ext "C:\Program Files\Windows 
Installer XML v3\bin\WixUtilExtension.dll" Product.wxs
Light.exe -v -cultures:iw-il -dLang=he -ext "C:\Program Files\Windows Installer 
XML v3\bin\WixUtilExtension.dll" -loc ..\wix_common\Strings-he.wxl -out 
xxx\name.msi -pdbout xxx\iw-il\name.wixpdb -sice:ICE09 -sice:ICE03 -sice:ICE82 
obj\Release\iw-il\Product.wixobj "xxx\RightToLeft 

As you can see, the Light.exe is called with a WixUIExtension_RTL.wixlib 
which seems indeed to come fromhttp://wix.tramontana.co.hu/  

Hope the above is enough info?
  Thx, br,


Blair Murri wrote:

I assume you employed the technique from the tutorial
(http://wix.tramontana.co.hu/tutorial/localization/tfel-ot-thgir) since
WixUI_RTL_InstallDir isn't in the toolset-supplied UI extension.
It's possible there's a bug in the tool that creates the RTL files. Personally
I think there's a bug that should be set against the WiX toolset for not
directly supporting RTL using the provided dialogs.
Once we know where you are getting the dialog set you are using, we can help
you adjust it to get the license text aligned correctly.
> Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 17:57:42 +0200
> From:stef.hoe...@zetes.com
> To:wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] Right-align license file? (newby)
> Hi,
> I'm trying to make an .msi which displays a hebrew license:
>      <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf"
> Value="$(var.DIR_MISC)\licenses_files\License_he.rtf" />
> With Word, the .rtf is right-aligned as it should. But the same .rtf is
> shown left-aligned when running the .msi.
> All other things in the GUI are OK, I'm using
>    <UIRef Id="WixUI_RTL_InstallDir" />
> Any ideas how to have to license RTF right-align in the RTF?
> Thx, br,
> Stef

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