Yes, the Component Directory attribute is a reference to the Directory with
matching Id. This pattern is used heavily in the WiX toolset. The Directory
attribute isn't required when the Component element is nested under a
Directory. The doc could be updated to note that a Component's Directory
reference can be inherited from it's parent ComponentGroup Directory
attribute (if present).

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 1:25 AM, Lars Lars <> wrote:

> Hello,
> First of all, I am new to WIX so be gentle :-) Testing WIX to see if we
> can use it in a project.  Using Wix 3.7 on Windows 7 at the moment.
> The script below generate a working msi file but I am not fully sure how
> it works and if it is a sensible setup.
> It appears Wix/Product/Feature/ComponentGroupRef refers to
> Wix/Fragment/ComponentGroup which makes sense.
> Then it appears Wix/Fragment/ComponentGroup/Component@Directory contains
> same value as Wix/Product/Directory/Directory/Directory/Directory@Id. Do
> the two attributes form an link between each other?
> If I try to alter the content of either attribute I get 'error LGHT0094:
> Unresolved reference to symbol 'Directory::Dir01' in section 'Fragment:'.
> If I try to remove the Component/@Directory attribute I get "error
> CNDL0010: the Component/@Directory attribute was not found; it is requried".
> If they do form a link, it is not easy to understand based on naming or
> documentation. The documentation for the Component element (
> says "Sets
> the Directory of the Component.  If this element is nested under a
> Directory element,                         this value defaults to the value
> of the parent Directory/@Id. ". The docs should be updated to say this
> attribute is required.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <Wix xmlns="";>
>   <Product Id="490F391C-336C-4a47-A7F6-587B2C92AC92"
>     Language="1033"
>     Manufacturer="MyManufacturer"
>     Name="MyName"
>     UpgradeCode="E5B47089-C70D-46bd-AA9C-D222CFE9A699"
>     Version="">
>     <Package Compressed="yes" InstallerVersion="200" />
>     <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" />
>     <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>       <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
>         <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" Name="MyCompany">
>           <Directory Id="Dir01" Name="myInstallSubDir" />
>         </Directory>
>       </Directory>
>     </Directory>
>     <Feature Id="ProductFeature" Level="1" Title="MyTitle">
>       <ComponentGroupRef Id="SourceComponent" />
>     </Feature>
>   </Product>
>   <Fragment>
>     <ComponentGroup Id="SourceComponent">
>       <Component Id="cmp829B7EDF9835ECFBEB6B7A5E00D6B29F"
>      Directory="Dir01" Guid="*">
>         <File Id="filD32196FBAB143D1B642565E64AFE743C"
>     KeyPath="yes"
>                   Source="$(var.SourceDir)\MyFile.ext" />
>       </Component>
>     </ComponentGroup>
>   </Fragment>
> </Wix>
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