Which version of WiX are you running? There was a bug a ways back about that.
> From: mathew.skil...@aspect.com
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:54:30 +0000
> Subject: [WiX-users] 64 bit version of MS build cannot find the WIX toolset
> I know there is probably a posting somewhere out on the web describing the 
> issue I am having, but I am not able to find it at the present moment.
> The problem I am current having is that the 64 bit version of MS build does 
> not properly evaluate the build variables and is not able to find WIX tools.  
> The 32 bit version works correctly and everything is happy, but when I switch 
> MS  Build targets everything goes to pot.
> Does anyone have a way around this issue or a link to the documentation on 
> why I am seeing this?  
> Thank you in advance,
> Mat Skildum
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