I found a method to apply digital signature to a number of files before
building my MSI using the files found in MyProject/obj/Debug (or Release
based on my build preference).

When I build my MSI I have the following to include what should be the
signed file:

      <Component Id="LibraryDLL">
        <File Id="LibraryDLL"

After building and running the install I checked the file and it was NOT
signed.  I checked the output in VS 2102 and the pre-processer variable
$(var.Library.TargetDir) is pulling the file from Library/bin/Library.dll.

I have found various references that say $(var.Library.TargetDir) should
point to Library/obj/Debug but that doesn't seem to be happening.

Am I calling this incorrectly or is the documentation incorrect?  I found
the references at:


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