"Best Method" is subjective but I know the method I personally would use 
and it would probably only take me about 1 hour to do it.  See: 


Basically I'd use VS 2013 Integrated Shell,  WiX 3.8 and IsWiX 2.4 (latest 
build) to create a second solution with a setup project and a merge module 
project.  I'd configure your first solution(s) to postbuild copy the files 
to a staging folder ('deploy').   Then I'd use IsWiX to author all the 
files into the merge module wxs source.   Finally I'd use Heat to do a one 
time harvest of the Com Visible assemblies and your VB6 COM DLL's and 
copy/paste the  COM elements into your merge module wxs file.   You'll have 
to tweak some references as the directory properties and file keys will be 
a little different.  Once it's all done you'll shouldn't have to worry 
about Heat or the COM metadata again.     This solution can then be 
included in your continuous integration process using MSBuild. 

I'd me more then happy to do a tele-meeting to show how it all works.  

 From: "Graham Allwood" <gallw...@sdasoftware.net>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 2:23 AM
To: "wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net" <wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [WiX-users] Best method for authoring my Wix setup


I use VS 2013 Express and VB6 to develop my application. It has serveral 
.NET assemblies that are exposed via COM and used in the VB6 app. I also 
have some pure .NET apps / utilities.

Because I have a COM exposed components, I have to use HEAT to extract the 
registration information. Should I do this every time I build the setup.

This leads me to how I should author my project.

I cannot use VS 2013 Express for my Wix Project.

I have tried using SharpDevelop and it works ok, but I don't know if I can 
use it to run HEAT every time I build.

I could use raw MSBuild and use the HarvestFile task . Not tried this yet.

I'm edging towards the MSBUILD route. Does anyone have any words of wisdom 
they could offer me?



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