I believe that is only true for versioned files, although I may be mistaken.

In this particular case (properly versioned .Net 3.5 executables) they were
unchanged and should not have been replaced according to my, and your,
understanding of the rules. Despite that, Windows Installer was killing
them off. Perhaps it just shoots first and asks questions later unless told
to not terminate. I have no idea.

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 7:17 PM, Nicolás Alvarez

> 2014-01-27 Walter Dexter <wfdex...@gmail.com>:
> > Got it!
> >
> > I haven't worked out all the details but changing the MSIRMSHUTDOWN
> > property to "0" makes it do what I wanted. Note that in this case the
> .exe
> > files that I want to keep running aren't actually being modified. Our
> > deployment folks just don't like to deal with distribution of patches;
> > they'd rather send out a full MSI.
> Windows Installer only overwrites files that have changed; patch or no
> patch is irrelevant.
> --
> Nicolás
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