Hey guys,

I've got a couple of custom actions set in InstallExecuteSequence that has no 
conditions.  I want these CAs to execute when modifying a feature to do some 
"backup" and "restore" functionality.

The CAs run fine for normal install, patch install, feature uninstall etc.  
However the CAs do not run on patch uninstall.

Any insights would be fantastic.  Here is a snippet:

<SetProperty Id="ServiceCreateSnapshotCA" Value="[INSTALLFOLDER]" 
Sequence="execute" Before="ServiceCreateSnapshotCA" />
    <CustomAction Id="ServiceCreateSnapshotCA" BinaryKey="ServiceSteps" 
DllEntry="CreateSnapshot" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no" Return="ignore" 
HideTarget="no" />

      <!-- Create a snapshot if  is being removed, reinstalled or patched. -->
      <Custom Action="ServiceCreateSnapshotCA" Before="StopServices" 
Overridable="yes" />

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