I need some help with coordinating a system reboot with specific restart 
manager error codes during a major upgrade of a MSI.To be more specific - 1. 
Suppose "A.dll", a binary which is installed  by the MSI (and is upgraded by 
higher versions) is loaded into memory by several processes.2. While performing 
a major upgrade to a MSI which contains a higher version of A.dll, Restart 
manager tries to shutdown and restart all these processes. In some cases I have 
seen this failing and a message from RM in the installation logs stating that a 
reboot is needed. we are investigate the cause for these failures but from what 
i have read, it can be happen for cases where the process running on a 
different session or under a different user credential.
What i would ideally like is to schedule a reboot in case restart manager fails 
to shut down all the processes that are using any dll which is being replaced. 
If there was a MSI property indicating the return code of Restart Manager 
shutdown action, i could have simply used it, but i could not find any such 
property. My goal is to avoid unnecessary reboots (thus discarding the solution 
of reboot always). Is there a way to do it without duplicating the Installer - 
Restart manager interaction code (in which case i can write the error code into 
a WIX property)?
Please note that this is a silent upgrade and there are no UIs. Thanks for any 
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