
MSI (s) (00:64) [09:59:21:043]: File: C:\Program
Files\WixWindowsService2012\WixWindowsService2012.exe.config;   To be
installed;      Won't patch;    No existing file
MSI (s) (00:64) [09:59:21:043]: Source for file
'WixWindowsService2012.exe.config' is compressed

So why is there "No existing file"?

Where do you have your RemoveExistingProducts action scheduled? I think
what's happening is your REP is removing the file, then when your newer
version comes along it finds the file missing so it install its copy.

If possible, move RemoveExistingProducts later in the sequence.

Check these links out:


On 26 February 2014 15:10, faujong <fiefie.ni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I recreated the .MSI file today, and reran the installation with the
> following command:
> msiexec /i
> C:\Installs\WixWindowsService2012Setup\bin\Release\WixWindowsService2012Setup.msi
> /l*v C:\Installs\WixWindowsService2012Setup\bin\Release\install.log.
> It still overrides the config file, and this is from the log file:
> MSI (s) (00:9C) [09:59:20:624]: Executing op:
> FileRemove(,FileName=WixWindowsService2012.exe.config,,ComponentId={blabla})
> MSI (s) (00:9C) [09:59:20:626]: Verifying accessibility of file:
> WixWindowsService2012.exe.config
> MSI (s) (00:64) [09:59:20:715]: Executing op:
> ComponentRegister(ComponentId={blabla},KeyPath=C:\Program
> Files\WixWindowsService2012\WixWindowsService2012.exe.config,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=1)
> MSI (s) (00:64) [09:59:21:042]: Executing op:
> FileCopy(SourceName=fctymilg.con|WixWindowsService2012.exe.config,SourceCabKey=WixWindowsService2012.exe.config,DestName=WixWindowsService2012.exe.config,Attributes=512,FileSize=538,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,HashOptions=0,HashPart1=1770114632,HashPart2=-1876651659,HashPart3=212308780,HashPart4=-2030918298,,)
> MSI (s) (00:64) [09:59:21:043]: File: C:\Program
> Files\WixWindowsService2012\WixWindowsService2012.exe.config;   To be
> installed;      Won't patch;    No existing file
> MSI (s) (00:64) [09:59:21:043]: Source for file
> 'WixWindowsService2012.exe.config' is compressed
> Why does the installation remove and copy the file, even though the config
> file in the installer has a different date and time with the config file on
> the installed folder ?
> Thank you.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/How-to-not-copy-a-file-in-subsequent-installations-tp7592929p7592949.html
> Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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