I installed Visual Studio 2013 Professional and then downloaded and installed 
Wix Toolset 3.8.   From within VS -> Help -> About , I see "Windows Installer 
XML Toolset 3.8.1128.0".  If I choose New -> Project, I see the "Windows 
Installer XML" node with seven different options like "Setup Project", etc.  I 
believe that I have Wix Toolset installed correctly.  I have .Net 3.5 
installed, which includes .Net 3.0 and .Net 2.0, so I think the Wix .Net 
dependency is satisfied.

I am now trying to use the "Creating a Simple Setup" tutorial at  
 and I'm not getting very far.  I would really appreciate it if someone would 
point out my mistake.

The problem is with Step 2 - #5 of the Simple Setup tutorial:  I am trying to 
add the reference, but can't find what I need to add.  I navigate to the 
projects tab as instructed, but that window is empty so I cannot select the 
"MyApplication" project.  I tried to continue by manually browsing for a file, 
but none of the files associated with MyApplication will satisfy Wix Add 

My questions are:

1) Shouldn't I be able to manually browse to a file to add the reference to Wix?

2) If so, what VS file should I be trying to add as a reference?  Is it the VS 
Solution file (.sln) a debug file or something else?

3) Why do my VS projects not show up under the "Projects" tab in Wix -> Add 

Thanks very much!

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