Classification: Public
Check out the " ThmViewer.exe" in the WIX bin folder. " To view a theme file 
without having to build a bundle, you can use the ThmViewer.exe which is 
located in %WIX%\bin\. "

It sometimes is a hit and miss that it works, it is very fussy...


-----Original Message-----
From: Uni Gauldoth []
Sent: May-19-14 11:59 AM
To: General discussion about the WiX toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Is there some existing tool I can use when I work with WiX 

Hi all,

I'm sending wxl files to translators for translation.
When the wxl file of japanese is processed, the translator need to preview the 
result msi dialog to adjust the text to confirm to some line breaking rules.
I wonder if there is already some tools I can achieve this task.
For example, the translator can edit the ja.wxl file, and then preview the 
result dialog without re-compile the msi package. If there is some string they 
need to adjust, they just edit the wxl file and then preview the result dialog 
again to make sure they did the right modification.

If there is not such tools, I may try to write one for my own use.

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This message has been marked as Public by Steven Ogilvie on May-19-14 12:13:48 

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