On 14-Jul-14 19:34, Hoover, Jacob wrote:
> I did some digging today, and if I revert my change then in the case of 
> Bundle A launching Bundle B for an update, it's an async update and when A 
> completes it "tries" to clean B. It may be a fringe case, but I could see 
> this causing issues if B updated extremely fast.  In theory, one could end up 
> with a bundle installed but absent from the cache.
> I'm going to do more digging, and see if I can create a test BA to prove my 
> point (should just need a sleep at the right timing point) and then hopefully 
> bring this up for discussion on Wix-Dev's.
I feel the need to add to the thread, but I have nothing useful to say. 
:) You and Sean have it covered.


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