Hello All

I apologize for the long post, putting as many details as possible to make
my question more understandable :-)

I have been trying to figure out how to use this without any real success,
maybe I am trying to use this incorrectly.

Here is what I have figure out so far:

I have an installation that installs 2 certificates like this:
<iis:Certificate Id="MyTestCA.cer" BinaryKey=" MyTestBinaryKey " Name="My
Description here" StoreLocation="localMachine"
                 StoreName="root" Overwrite="yes" Request="no" />

<iis:Certificate Id="MyTestSSL.pfx" BinaryKey="MyTestSSLCert" Name="My SSL
certificate" StoreLocation="localMachine"
                 StoreName="personal" Overwrite="yes" Request="no"
PFXPassword="test123" />

These two certificates install correctly. Then I manually run this command
after the installation is done:
netsh http add sslcert ipport=

This binds my certificate to a port, which allows me through IE to connect
via HTTPs to my server (Https listener is running in a Windows Service).
This is the part missing in my installer.

I found this: http://sourceforge.net/p/wix/mailman/message/27889281/ that
suggests to run a CA to bind the certificate to the port, but Rob in the
thread mentions this is not a great idea. So I looked for a better way of
doing this and found this:
-deployed-web-applications/ I also found this:

What I haven't found is a dumbified version of how to do this.  Can I use
iis:WebSite to do what I want to do, and where can I find a good tutorial or
sample of this.  

Thanks for the help and advice,

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