I tried running our Wix-based installer on Windows Server Technical Preview and 
it choked on GACing a PubPolicy.
Please see the attached extract from the install log.

Is this a Windows bug or a WIx bug?

It seems that RemoveDIrectoryAndChildren is failing - is that because the 
GACing action does not expect to have more than one file when GACing the 
My PubPolicy publish component has two files in it - the assembly and the 
accompanying xml file.

The same installer runs fine on previous Windows (W2K12R2, W2K12,W2K 8R2) and 
after removing the pub policy components and rebuilding, the resulting 
installer finished normally.
So single assembly GACing is working on Win2016 TechPreview, just as on earlier 

Thanks in advance for your help.



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MSI (s) (30:10) [11:38:54:800]: Note: 1: 1935 2: 
{670709A8-63F3-47F6-B958-8488C33C9039} 3: 0x80131043 4: IAssemblyCacheItem 5: 
Commit 6: 
06/09/2015 11:38:54.789 [1328]: Assembly Install: Failing with hr=80131043 at 
CAssemblyCacheItem::LegacyCommit, line 1343

MSI (s) (30:10) [11:38:54:804]: Product: ClickPortal -- Error 1935. An error 
occurred during the installation of assembly 
 Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0x80131043. 
assembly interface: IAssemblyCacheItem, function: Commit, component: 

Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly 
 Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0x80131043. 
assembly interface: IAssemblyCacheItem, function: Commit, component: 
06/09/2015 11:38:54.819 [1328]: Assembly Install: Failing with hr=80070005 at 
RemoveDirectoryAndChildren, line 384

06/09/2015 11:38:54.820 [1328]: Detailed info about 

06/09/2015 11:38:54.820 [1328]:         File attributes: 00000080

06/09/2015 11:38:54.893 [1328]:         Restart Manager Info: 1 entries

06/09/2015 11:38:54.894 [1328]:                 App[0]: (1328) Windows 
Installer (msiserver), type = 3 

06/09/2015 11:38:54.894 [1328]:         Security info:

06/09/2015 11:38:54.895 [1328]:                 Owner: S-1-5-18

06/09/2015 11:38:54.895 [1328]:                 Group: S-1-5-18

06/09/2015 11:38:54.896 [1328]:                 DACL information: 4 entries:

06/09/2015 11:38:54.896 [1328]:                 ACE[0]: Type = 0x00, Flags = 
010, Mask = 001f01ff, SID = S-1-5-18

06/09/2015 11:38:54.897 [1328]:                 ACE[1]: Type = 0x00, Flags = 
010, Mask = 001f01ff, SID = S-1-5-32-544

06/09/2015 11:38:54.897 [1328]:                 ACE[2]: Type = 0x00, Flags = 
010, Mask = 001200a9, SID = S-1-5-32-545

06/09/2015 11:38:54.897 [1328]:                 ACE[3]: Type = 0x00, Flags = 
010, Mask = 001200a9, SID = S-1-15-2-1

06/09/2015 11:38:54.899 [1328]: Assembly Install: Failing with hr=80070005 at 
RemoveDirectoryAndChildren, line 384

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