On Sat, 11 Mar 2017, Carlos R. Mafra wrote:

Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2017 13:05:56 +0000
From: Carlos R. Mafra <crma...@gmail.com>
To: wmaker-dev@lists.windowmaker.org
Subject: Re: Window Maker 0.95.8

PS: I would like to thank everyone involved in this last release,
especially Doug Torrance.

A heart-felt thank-you to all who continue to develop Window Maker and to fix bugs to improve it! I've been using it for over fifteen years and don't plan to ever stop! Nothing else comes close to the elegance and simplicity of this window manager, and it's currently using less memory than my terminal emulator. :-)


The Mouser felt a compulsive urge to take out his dagger and stab himself
in the heart.  A man had to die when he saw something like that.
(Fritz Leiber)

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