Hello everybody.

I had just subscribed to this list, so I present you my salutations.
I'm a french guy not really skilled in the english language, so I hope you will pardon me if I make lot of mistakes.

To Renjith Rajan:

I saw a mail of yours, while browsing the mailing list on the web, which was talking about autostartup of wmii. The question is maybe outdated cause as I've just said it, I take it from the archived mails, but I just want to tell you that I managed to do so, if you're still looking for it.

 The way is to put an init script in ~/.wmii/, which is called rc.
 Here is the mine:

#the file ~/wmii/rc is taken instead those in /etc/wmii, so we must be sure to source them
source /etc/wmii/rc.conf
/etc/wmii/rc start
sleep 3 #let wmifs start

#first page
urxvt -sl 2000 -bg \#000000 -fg \#FFFFFF -cr \#005577 -e irssi -c irc.freenode.net&
sleep 2

#second one
wmira pnew
wmir write /wm/page/2/managed/name 'grid'
urxvt -sl 2000 -bg \#000000 -fg \#FFFFFF -cr \#005577 -e /usr/bin/moniteurs&
sleep 2

#third one
wmira pnew
sleep 5 #let the fat firefox the time to open
wmir write /wm/page/3/mode/5/locked '0'

I think you can easily adapt it for your needs.

      Olivier El Mekki

wmii@wmii.de mailing list

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