On Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 09:30:52AM +0200, Stefan Tibus wrote:

> Another interesting use of session saving and tag-associated layouts
> is on multi-user machines. On such a system I will have to log-off
> sometime. And after log-on I might either want to see the programs I
> had open in my last session or just have the same layouts predefined
> without the programs open yet. (I'd prefer the last one, as it makes
> log-on faster and I'll start programs when I need them only -
> nowadays software is too large to have many of them open in the
> background just waiting to be used.)  I have to admit this goes into
> a direction similar to wmi, but in fact there are tasks, which stay
> the same for long times and there fixed layouts could be very useful
> (while the less static tasks should be handled dynamically, of
> course).


Andy Gimblett
Computer Science Department
University of Wales Swansea

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