You wrote:
It'll always float initially.
Very well.  It is not that terrible to hit Mod4-Shift-Space on it.



Bill Puschmann wrote:
Eclipse remembers its window size when it closes and then requests it when it starts up again.  By design, any window requesting its own specific size is treated as "floating" (as most of the time these windows are splash screens or apps that break the official window conventions).  So, Eclipse gets bumped into floating.

This, unfortunately, has no fix.  It'll always float initially.  There are rules to make an app float by default, but not one to make it max.

This whole scenario was discussed on the lists a couple months ago.  :)

On 8/8/06, Kai Grossjohann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
When I start Eclipse, its main window floats.  Why?  And how to make it
not float?

ketchup% wmiir read /def/rules
/Buddy List.*/ -> chat
/XChat.*/ -> chat
/.*[tT]hunderbird.*/ -> mail
/.*Eclipse.*/ -> dev
/.*/ -> !
/.*/ -> 1

It is good that the workspace launcher and the workspace chooser float,


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