Hi there,

I ask all wmii lovers to help me migrating the old taggi wiki
stuff to markdown and to drop all crap from useful stuff.

I have already a new taggi version based on shell scripts up
and running locally (http://www.wmii.de/shots/taggi2.png)

If there is someone who wants to help migrating the existing
wmii pages to markdown
(http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) syntax,
let me know via privmail. Remember to mark any page as migrated
if you work on a markdown version, that nobody else migrates the
specific page.

I hope to launch the new web site in the mid of next week. 
However, be patient, I'm offline during the weekend. Though, for
me it would be sufficient if you can send me .text-file versions
with markup syntax of each currently existing wiki page in

 Anselm R. Garbe  ><><  www.ebrag.de  ><><  GPG key: 0D73F361

wmii@wmii.de mailing list

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