The things that bothered me most about the way CNN was handling it were (and I 
went out to lunch shortly after it touched down, so maybe they undid some of 
the things they did):
1) It was never clearly established someone was in the balloon until it touched 
down. So why assume there is? Just rerport what you know.
2) Who the heck are the anchors to be questioning the way the kids parents were 
raising the kid (but remember, it would have been OK on FNC, since they are our 
moral police). Again, report. Leave the sermons for Sunday mornings and 
parenting advice to Dr. Phil.
3) A couple of reminders that it was all on delay anyway, in case something bad 
happened. Well, geez, why bother with live shots in the first place? Not 
because I'm bloodthirsty, but because it's life ... crap happens. It's like the 
coaches in our community that don't call in losses, for fear of humiliating the 
kids. Hey, the kids know they lost ...

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: [BREAKING] Up Up and Away
Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 1:09 PM

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 16:04, Glenda Collins <> wrote:
> Well what is really sad is with the world in the state it currently faces,
> the news is bombarding the tv airwaves with this trivial story.  Truly a sad
> day for journalism. No wonder the world laughs at the United States.

As I perhaps have said before here, though, we can't *blame* CNN or
MSNBC or Fox News for this.  We have to blame ourselves.  We're the
audience eating it up.

If we want media that are going to make sure we eat our vegetables, we
have to support it through government funding (PBS, NPR, BBC, CBC), or
we have to find an outside source that will not care how much money is
or isn't made (Al Jazeera; many under-the-radar conservative and a few
under-the-radar liberal U.S. news sources today).  Otherwise, CNN
doesn't care about whether people get dumber.

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