
Alan Abel, Hoaxer Extraordinaire, Is (on Good Authority) Dead at 94

Alan Abel, a professional hoaxer who for more than half a century gleefully hoodwinked the American public - not least of all by making himself the subject of an earnest news obituary in The New York Times in 1980 - apparently actually did die, on Friday, at his home in Southbury, Conn. He was 94.
Mr. Abel's first major hoax, the Society for Indecency to Naked Animals, or SINA - which sought "to clothe all naked animals that appear in public, namely horses, cows, dogs and cats, including any animal that stands higher than 4 inches or is longer than 6 inches" - began in 1959. It starred his friend Buck Henry, then an unknown actor and later a well-known actor and screenwriter, as the group's puritanical president, G. Clifford Prout.
There was the putative winner of the New York State Lotto jackpot in 1990, who was billed as a cosmetologist from Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., but who in reality was an actress; she poured champagne by the gallon in a hired Manhattan hotel suite and threw dollar bills from the window as the news media salivated. "$35 MILLION AND SHE'S SINGLE," the front page of The New York Post crowed the next day.

Deb... or anyone else... wasn't there another media hoaxer
he was in friendly competition with? I'm pretty sure I remember
another one but I'm blanking on the name.

(No, not Richard Nixon...)

Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]

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