As a reminder, the Woden status telecon will be held at 9am EST and are 
open to all.

See [1] for call and IRC information. 



1. Open Action Items - Lawrence Mandel

2008-05-13 - John will close the M8 plan and create the M9 plan with July 
15 as the target date.
John: No progress.
Lawrence: I closed M8 in Jira and rolled all the incomplete items into M9.
John: No progress. I'll get on this now that I have my access back.
John: I'm working through the open Jiras and sizing some of the issues. I 
should have a plan ready by the end of the week.
John: No progress.
Lawrence: How about just creating a high level plan of what we'd like to 
include in M9? We don't need to put a specific date as it's been difficult 

to set a date.
John: I'll try to get a plan with no date up tonight.

2. Milestone 9 (M9) - John/Lawrence

3. Development Discussion - All

4. Other Business - All


Lawrence Mandel

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